Kinship Navigation Program Manager
New Hampshire Children’s Trust
Rebecca’s role is to to provide professional development for the Kinship staff across the state through hosting a Community of Practice and to develop the policy, consistency and data collection of the Kinship Navigation Program.
Rooted within NH’s Family Resource Centers, the Kinship Navigation Program links grandparents and other relative caregivers, both inside and outside of the formal child welfare system, to the services and supports specific to their family’s needs. Kinship Navigators provide emotional support, education and guidance to relative caregivers, and offer information, referral, and follow-up services to promote independence and enhance the well-being of the families they serve.
NHCT Kinship | NH Children’s Trust (
The program was recognized for “Exemplary Practice” by FRIENDS in 2022, during my tenure as Program Manager (Source: FRIENDS; Internet Archive version).
Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Coalition Consultant/Support
Community Health Institute/JSI
Rebecca is working with the NH Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program (TPCP), on their Community-Based Partnership for Comprehensive Tobacco Control contract. This effort aims to support the Cheshire Coalition for Tobacco Free Communities as they educate the public and increase resources to aid in tobacco cessation and prevention across the region.
Overall the greatest assets in the community are the community members and local agencies who have prioritized behavioral health; substance misuse education, prevention, treatment/response – including tobacco use through the Cheshire Coalition for Tobacco Free Communities and a successful local and statewide Tobacco 21 Campaign…
Community Health Needs Assessment Community Health Needs Assessment 2019 (
Resilience Reigns Parent Café Facilitator
UpReach Therapeutic Equestrian Center
Rebecca facilitates the Parent Café, running alongside UpReach’s Resilience Reins program for children ages 8-17, at their new satellite site in Boscawen, NH.
The Parent Café provides an opportunity each week (for 7 weeks) for parents and caregivers to participate in loosely structured, supportive discussions aimed at learning about and building protective factors.
The goal of Resilience Reins is to improve the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of youth by offering therapy that mitigates the risks and poor outcomes associated with exposure to trauma and violence.
UpReach Resilience Reins — UpReach Therapeutic Equestrian Center, Inc. (
Preventing and Responding to Youth Homelessness
Bureau of Homeless & Housing Services / Balance of State – Continuum of Care
Rebecca provides leadership, insight and support as a part of New Hampshire’s current efforts to impact and end youth homelessness. Through partnership with homeless services providers across the state, the Balance of State Continuum of Care (BoSCoC) is gathering crucial information to improve resources for youth and families of all ages who are experiencing homelessness, housing instability or are at risk of homelessness.
Utilizing tools and resources such as Qualtrics, in-person outreach, video conferencing, state and national data and provider reports, Rebecca collaborates as a member of BoSCoC to convey to legislators and community members the real needs of youth experiencing (or at risk of) homelessness.
2020-State-of-Homelessness-in-NH-Report-Online-Final-compressed-1.pdf (
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